Holistic Voicing

Healing Sound Sessions

When you make sound with someone else, oxytocin, the trust hormone is released. This is a very powerful hormone, often associated with acts of love. Sounding together with someone else also releases it. That’s astounding. The barriers that exist between us disappear.
— Jonathon Goldman - Pioneer of Sound Healing

Creative Voicing

We begin exactly where you are, perfect as you are in the moment.

We begin to explore what your voice is reflecting in the moment, without judgement.

Listening and observing .

A journey of ‘voice play’, tuning in, learning to listen to your authentic voice .

Using improvisation, voice play, speech to song, consonant, vowels and movement, we explore the sound of our voices, beyond the usual way of singing a song outwardly.

Listening to our own bodies as we sound, becoming aware of breathe, body and movement together. Exploring where there is flow, where there is discomfort, where there is tightness and allowing it all just to be noticed. Finding more ease with self expression .

This is an invitation to discover more of your authentic creativity, if you have never explored your own voice, in this way before.

Different from a usual singing lesson as we are not singing a song from outside ourself, rather ‘singing ourselves from the inside out.’

1 to 1 Session

Length of session is bespoke to each persons needs

Healing Room in Long Sutton, Somerset.

Sound Healing

A sound healing session is passively received.

Sound frequencies and vibrations are received while lying down . Either on a massage table or thick floor mats .

Working intuitively, using energy healing, vocal overtoning, singing bowls and percussion, I’m intuitively guided , by attuning to your body and energetic field.

Vocal overtones, sacred sounds, singing bowl sounds and other frequencies are received, restoring harmony in resonance with your natural state of well being. You may come with an intention to clear a particular area that is affecting you emotionally, mentally or physically.

A deeply relaxing and nurturing state is often experienced by the receiver, allowing the bodies own natural healing process to activate.

1 to 1 Session

1 ½ hours £45

Healing Room in Long Sutton, Somerset.

Vocal Sound Journey .

This is a deeply transformative journey , inviting you to participate with your own voice.

A sacred space, with ceremony from the space of stillness .

From this space we weave sound, energy and intention together, allowing the voice and sounds to journey and weave within a safe , protected energetic space .

Allowing for the freedom to express the inner voice/s.

You are gently supported with breath techniques, guided imagery, Intuitive energetic healing techniques, vocal over toning, sacred sound, singing bowls , and percussion .

This allows the expansion of awareness, for healing to emerge, in co- creation with your own voice.

Rather than a formulaic approach, intuition allows me to sense what vibrations or elements may assist in creating the most resonant field

Allowing whatever emerges, from within yourself . In this space there is no right no wrong.

A return to ‘indigenous ways’ of reconnection with our self through the sound of our own voice .

Allowing both singing and sounding, allows the ‘inner voice’ to be explored and heard .

You may wish to focus on a specific personal intention for your session .

1 to1 Session

1 ½ - 2 hours £45

Healing Room in Long Sutton, Somerset.

Get in touch.

My Journey with healing sound

From 2013 to 2017 I led Community Music’ Singing for Breathing’ and ‘Singing for the Brain.’

Learning mostly through my own experiences of energy healing, I have deepened my understanding by gaining certifications in ‘Vortex Energy Healing’ and ‘Access Bars’- both at Practitioner level. In 2006 I received a Certificate of Sound Healing with Nestor Kornblum.

Mostly learning through my own experience of energetic states and working with many mentors in this field.

In 2015 I made my first hand forged singing bowls. An alchemical process with fire, water and the elements the land. I now have a collection of hand forged bowls and a gong. They each have their unique frequency and healing story.

These bowls of sound alchemy and transformation, accompany the Sound Healing journeys and 1 to 1 ‘Healing Voice Sessions.

As a musician with many years of practice in creative voicing and community music, I have experienced many aspects of my own voice.

Following vocal nodules in 2000, while performing on cruise ships in 2000, I was diagnosed with vocal nodules. Thus began my own healing journey.

I learned how to use sound healing and vocal over-toning, which allowed me to complete contracts and keep working.

Following the healing of the nodules with my own voice, despite acute laryngitis, I studies with pioneers in the field of ‘The Healing Voice’, deepening my understanding of this work with with Jill Purce, Chloe Goodchild and Chris James.

Having led Voice Workshops with an focus on ‘The Inner Voice’, since 2004 in Kent , Northants and Somerset , I have a vast menu of options to choose from and consider it, my joy and calling to share this work.